

2013年10月21日 07:24    来源: FX168网站    

  高盛集团(Goldman Sachs)此前曾对黄金走势做出这样的评论:一旦华盛顿财政危机得到解决,黄金以及其他贵金属的价格将呈“倾泻式”暴跌。然而,本周美国两党顺利通过上调债务上限以及为政府注资的议案,而黄金却出现飙涨,这和高盛此前的预期完全相反。难道高盛错了吗?答案显然是不!


  该团队主管Jeffrey Currie周五在写给客户的邮件中这样写道:




  Jeffrey Currie邮件原文:

  In a note to clients today, Currie says he's not ready to short gold just yet:

  Gold is still waiting for data confirmation of a US rebound that can support tapering even as the lack of a lasting US resolution could delay tapering

  Gold is back to where it was when the US debt ceiling debates started, as the risks of deferred tapering erased any optimism that was generated late last week. We continue to argue that the key to the gold outlook is data that shows a strong US recovery and gives the market confidence that tapering will begin. We still believe that this is the key trigger for gold prices even as the risks of deferred tapering have increased. Accordingly, we still expect gold to trade close to our near-term target of $1300/toz until the end of this year when our economists expect economic data to begin to show some confirmation of the economic improvement embedded in the 2014 US outlook.

  This more optimistic 2014 US economic outlook is what drives our economists’ expectations for tapering next year (whether it starts in December, March or June), which combined with a stronger dollar and weaker emerging market currencies, suggests that the investment and monetary demand for gold will create significant downside risks for gold prices in 2014. Accordingly, we are maintaining our end of 2014 gold price target of $1050/toz.

  Today, gold is trading around $1315 an ounce.

(责任编辑: 张海蛟 )
