
刘强东性侵案女生提起民事诉讼 刘强东京东均成被告

2019年04月18日 16:32    来源: 中国日报网    


  The civil lawsuit accused Richard Liu and of a total of six counts of false imprisonment, civil assault and battery, as well as sexual assault or battery. 该民事诉讼对刘强东和京东提出了非法拘禁、民事侵害和殴打、性侵或殴打等六项指控。


  Civil这个词很常用,一般指“民用的、公民的、文明的”,比如,civil aviation(民用航空)、civil war(内战)等;在法律术语中,civil专指“民事的、民法的”,比如这里的civil lawsuit(民事诉讼),这一类诉讼中原告方提出的赔偿就是民事赔偿(civil compensation)。与其相对的刑事诉讼则是criminal lawsuit。

  民事案件和刑事案件的区别是:民事案件一般遵循不告不理的原则,即当事人不主动向国家司法机关请求,国家司法机关一般不介入干预当事人之间的纠纷。而刑事案件一般都有国家刑事司法机关主动介入,受害人或者群众报案、举报后,公安、检察机关即会介入侦查。然后由检察院代表国家对被告人提起公诉,由法院作为法律的裁判者进行公正的审判从而达到制裁犯罪人和保护人民的刑法目的。 is “vicariously liable” for Richard Liu’s behavior because his alleged actions happened while he was “seemingly” at work-related activities, the court document said. The assault and battery also began in the presence of two other employees, Vivian Yang Han and Alice Zhang Yujia, the court filing said. 法庭文件显示,京东对刘强东的行为负有“连带责任”,因为他涉及的这起案件发生在“看似”与他工作有关的活动中。法庭文件还称,刘强东侵害及殴打的行为也是在其他两名京东员工Vivian Yang Han和Alice Zhang Yujia在场的情况下开始的。


  It also identifies the student for the first time as Liu Jingyao, a Chinese woman who is not related to the executive. 诉讼中也首次披露了涉事女方的姓名为Liu Jingyao,中国女性,与刘强东没有私人关系。

  "The offensive contact caused the plaintiff physical and emotional injuries," the court filing said. "It also caused her to withdraw from all classes during the fall 2018 semester at the University of Minnesota and to seek professional counseling, care and treatment." 法庭文件还显示,“性侵导致原告身心受伤。此事也使得原告在2018年秋季从明尼苏达大学退学,并寻求专业咨询护理和治疗。”


  代理Liu Jingyao案的一家律所Florin Roebig, P.A.在声明中表示:

  We are proud of the incredible courage our client has shown revealing her name for all the world to see, so that justice may be done. 我们的客户向全世界公开了自己的姓名,她表现出了非凡的勇气,我们为此感到自豪,全世界会看到正义的到来。



  针对刘强东被起诉一事,刘强东代理律师Jill Brisbois表示:

  She had not yet reviewed the complaint, but “based on the Hennepin County attorney’s declination to charge a case against our client and our belief in his innocence, we feel strongly that this suit is without merit and will vigorously defend against it.” 她还没有看到对方的诉讼书,但基于“亨内平县检察官办公室对刘强东不予起诉的决定,我们也相信他是无辜的,我们认为,这起诉讼毫无根据,并且会对其进行有力辩护。”



  They were not prepared to comment at this time, they will vigorously defend against “these meritless claims against the company.” 他们目前无法对此发表评论,但“对于针对公司的这些毫无根据的指责”将坚决进行抗辩。


  reasonable doubt 合理怀疑

  search warrant 搜查令

  suspended sentence 缓刑

  subpoena (传唤证人出庭的)传票

  original judgment 原判

  ratify/affirm the original judgment 维持原判

  cross-examination 交叉讯问

  damages 损害赔偿

  jurisdiction 司法权,管辖权

  legal aid 法律援助(指对无钱聘请律师或进行诉讼者给予的专业法律援助)

  litigant 诉讼当事人(原告和被告都是诉讼当事人)


  (中国日报网英语点津 Helen)



刘强东性侵案女生提起民事诉讼 刘强东京东均成被告

2019-04-18 16:32 来源:中国日报网